Friday, June 22, 2012

Do I Really Want to Know??

On Tuesday I had my 20 week ultrasound. Yup, halfway there! It was awesome to see our little babe moving around in there; I always love ultrasounds.
Yesterday, I saw my doctor and she had the report from the ultrasound. In it was the gender of the baby! When I was pregnant with Grace, our hospital didn't put the gender in your report. If you wanted to find out you had to go to a private clinic and pay for a 3D ultrasound. We didn't want to know anyway, so it wasn't an issue.
This time around, we've been back and forth with the idea of finding out what we're having. So yesterday I had my doctor write the gender on a piece of paper and put it in a sealed envelope so B and I could open it together. When I got home from work he wanted to open it right away, but now I'm having second thoughts! I really loved not knowing what we were having, and having B tell me it was a girl in the delivery room. The envelope is sitting on the counter, unopened. B said if we aren't going to open it, we have to burn it! :P
I guess we better figure out if we really want to know or not!


The Tompkins Family said...

Oh, wow!! You're already halfway!! Gosh, that is tough knowing the answer is RIGHT THERE! We loved the surprise both times but I'm not sure I could be that strong if the answer was literally at my fingertips.

Our Sampson Family said...

I dont know how you have the willpower to not look. I couldnt do it!