I miss being home with Grace throughout the week. I find myself longing for the weekend as soon as Monday rolls around! This weekend was busy but lots of fun.
Auntie Murr had been talking about coming to Grace's swimming lesson for a little while. Uncle Mike was in town this weekend so he came too and took Grace in the water while Auntie Murr and I watched from the side of the pool. It was so cute! Grace absolutely loves being in the water so she had a blast, as usual. I think Uncle Mike enjoyed himself too! They were both full of smiles as they splashed around. Grace was trying to blow bubbles in the water but doesn't quite understand that she has to blow; she just sticks her face in the water, which sometimes results in her swallowing a little water. Uncle Mike even dunked her under and she didn't mind! I've only dunked her once and she hated it. She'll be jumping off the side of the pool like the big kids in no time!
On Saturday afternoon we went to a birthday party for our daycare provider's son. It was at one of those indoor playgrounds which was pretty cool! Grace had a great time playing with all the different toys and exploring the lower part of the play gym.
On Sunday morning, Grace's teeth were really bothering her. She has four molars coming in at once! We had planned to go check out Little Ray's Reptile Zoo at exhibition park, so after a small breakfast and some Advil we decided to head out anyway. Getting out in the fresh air and having lots to look at put Grace in a better mood. Our friends Aleah and Angela came too! Grace didn't care much for the alligators, turtles, or snakes and didn't want to touch them, but she kept pointing at the turkey vulture saying "Birdie!" We were over by that bird several times so she could touch it's feathers, she loved it. We watched a couple of the presentations and Aleah volunteered to help carry one of the huge snakes.
We headed down to see Zilla and Grampers' for the afternoon. As the afternoon wore on, Grace got increasingly cranky and her teeth were making her uncomfortable. We forgot to bring the Advil with us so B ran out and got some and it made a huge difference. She didn't eat much at supper and since we were having one of her favorites - spaghetti - you could tell she wasn't feeling 100%. She had a quick bath after supper and some grandparent snuggles and we headed home.
Here's some photos from our weekend:
Playing at the train table at the birthday party. |
Checking out the indoor playground! |
Grace had a great time walking in and out of this little castle, opening and closing the door. |
At the reptile show. She didn't want to get too close to the alligator! |
Birdie! |
Back to see the bird again with Daddy! |
With Shuffles the tortoise! |
1 comment:
Fun pictures! We're dealing with molars here too. It's been rough. 3 down, 1 to go.
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