Thursday, October 13, 2011

10 Months

Our 10 month old girl has a tooth poking through! It's not all the way out yet, but we can see it and feel it. It doesn't seem to be bothering her too much; she's been a little clingy lately and wants to be held a lot but hasn't been overly fussy (fingers crossed that continues!).

Grace has moved on from an army crawl to a good old fashioned crawl on her hands and knees. She learned that she can get around even faster that way and generally only reverts back to the army crawl on slippery floors.  She is pulling herself up on everything, and is getting more graceful at letting herself down. She has started to cruise around the ottoman but hasn't yet tried to move from one piece of furniture to another.

She rarely signs 'milk' anymore, but obviously understands it. She seems to understand the signs for 'more' and 'all done' but hasn't signed either of them yet. I must admit, I've been slacking lately on signing to her. Must get back into it.

Grace isn't eating many purees anymore, she would much rather feed herself. She's been doing quite well with finger foods. Pears are still a favorite and she loves yogurt and cheese. She loves to drink water from her sippy cup but drinking from Mom or Dad's glass is even better. Uncle Mike taught her to say "ahhh" after taking a drink and now she does it without us even prompting her.

She loves playing outside and going for walks. Her favorite toys are her Leapfrog learning table and the Smartville 1-2-3 Treehouse. Pulling her books off the shelves makes her happy and she loves turning the pages when we read a book. She also likes playing with her blocks and loves knocking down the towers that we build.

She is wearing 6-12 month size pants, 12-18 month size shirts, and will very soon be wearing 18-24 month size sleepers. She is not a fan of wearing socks and shoes after getting used to going barefoot all summer, but she fits into some size 3 and some size 4 shoes. She wears size 3 diapers.

Grace has the cutest laugh and the most beautiful little smile. She is always happy when she wakes up and we love walking into her room in the morning to see her standing up in her crib with a big smile on her face.

I can't believe it will soon be time to plan a birthday party!

1 comment:

The Tompkins Family said...

Happy 10 months, pretty girl!