Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Project: Sock Monkey

A few weeks ago we went to the Farmer's Market with B's parents. We stopped at the table for The Monkey Show and Grace was reaching for the sock monkeys, so Papa bought this sock monkey kit for me to make for her.

The Kit
In the kit: instructions, body and all its parts, stuffing, needle and thread.

I started putting it together and soon realized I would not be completing it in one sitting. The guy that sold it to us showed me a monkey that his 6 year old made so I figured it would be pretty easy. It wasn't hard, but I'm not very crafty and don't have a lot of patience for this kind of thing, so B helped me out when I got frustrated. 

The two of us took turns working on it and it eventually resembled a monkey.

Arms and eyes in place.
Ears are on. Tail is in place too.
Project complete. A sad little monkey ;)
It's definitely not perfect, but it was made with love! She's kinda cute, in a homely way. 

1 comment:

The Tompkins Family said...

She's totally cute! Does she have a name?

Funny because I just finished 4 monkeys tonight so I'm in "monkey" mode right now.