At one:
- Anna has 2 teeth on the bottom and it looks like a few will soon be making their appearance on top.
- She can stand independently but has not yet tried to take any steps.
- She's a pretty good eater and is obsessed with Cheerios. She point to the cereal cupboard and will ask for "Chee! Chee-o's!" every morning. She takes after her dad and is a big meat eater.
- She signs "milk" and "all done" and says Mum and Daddy. She is good at communicating what she wants by pointing and yelling!
- Anna loves to be barefoot and is always pulling her socks off.
- She is still not a big fan of napping, but sleeps well at night. She goes to sleep by sucking her thumb and rubbing her blanket on her face - kind of like her big sister!
- Our little Anna Banana has the most beautiful, chubby cheeks and roly poly thighs! I just love 'em.
- She weighs around 23lbs and wears 18 month clothing.