Friday, June 29, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Thankful on Thursday
I'm thankful for Great Aunts and Aunts that pick Grace up from the sitter's when B works late. Every couple weeks he has to work till 9 and I work till 6, but Great Aunts MaryAnne and Theresa and Auntie Murr always come through to help us out!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Wordless Wednesday
Ok, so not quite wordless because this requires some explanation. We were on our way to the playground and I had no pockets so I tucked a few tissues in my shirt because Grace had a runny nose. She immediately grabbed a few tissues and stuffed them down her shirt! She spent a few minutes trying to position them to stay in place. :)
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Potty Time
We weren't planning to even attempt potty training this early, but it seems Grace has other plans. She is the youngest at our sitter's and the older kids (around 2.5 years old) are currently potty training. Grace has really been showing an interest, so I decided to bring out the potty that B's aunt gave us, just to have it around.
My plan was to have it out so Grace could get used to it. She absolutely loves sitting on it. I didn't take off her pants or diaper because, well, I wasn't really thinking we were potty training yet. (I'm still not sure if we are!)
Yesterday, she was sitting on the potty but kept standing up saying "diaper off" and "poop." It was just before bath time and we usually let her run around naked for a little while before her bath anyway, so I took off her diaper. She was back and forth to the potty a few times, then started peeing on the floor a few feet away! I sat her back down on the potty and she finished her pee there. We clapped and cheered and she was very proud of herself!
A few minutes later, she ran back to the potty and sat down. I gave her a book to read (mostly because I thought it was funny/cute to see such a little person sitting on the 'toilet' reading) and she pooped! We made a big deal out of it and she was clapping along with us and pointing at the poop!
Today, just before bath time, she again started peeing on the floor but stopped and headed over to the potty, where she finished her pee. She stood up and said "I did it!" It was so cute.
I'm really not sure if these 2 instances are just flukes, but we'll see what happens! I'm not going to push the potty training because I really didn't expect to be doing it this early, but if she wants to use the potty we'll make it available for her!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Do I Really Want to Know??
On Tuesday I had my 20 week ultrasound. Yup, halfway there! It was awesome to see our little babe moving around in there; I always love ultrasounds.
Yesterday, I saw my doctor and she had the report from the ultrasound. In it was the gender of the baby! When I was pregnant with Grace, our hospital didn't put the gender in your report. If you wanted to find out you had to go to a private clinic and pay for a 3D ultrasound. We didn't want to know anyway, so it wasn't an issue.
This time around, we've been back and forth with the idea of finding out what we're having. So yesterday I had my doctor write the gender on a piece of paper and put it in a sealed envelope so B and I could open it together. When I got home from work he wanted to open it right away, but now I'm having second thoughts! I really loved not knowing what we were having, and having B tell me it was a girl in the delivery room. The envelope is sitting on the counter, unopened. B said if we aren't going to open it, we have to burn it! :P
I guess we better figure out if we really want to know or not!
Yesterday, I saw my doctor and she had the report from the ultrasound. In it was the gender of the baby! When I was pregnant with Grace, our hospital didn't put the gender in your report. If you wanted to find out you had to go to a private clinic and pay for a 3D ultrasound. We didn't want to know anyway, so it wasn't an issue.
This time around, we've been back and forth with the idea of finding out what we're having. So yesterday I had my doctor write the gender on a piece of paper and put it in a sealed envelope so B and I could open it together. When I got home from work he wanted to open it right away, but now I'm having second thoughts! I really loved not knowing what we were having, and having B tell me it was a girl in the delivery room. The envelope is sitting on the counter, unopened. B said if we aren't going to open it, we have to burn it! :P
I guess we better figure out if we really want to know or not!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
A Day at the Farm
A couple weeks ago, we went to visit Grace's great aunt and uncle at their cottage. It's on an old dirt road, and their neighbors have a small farm. We took Grace up to check it out. We saw a cow, some goats, lots of chickens, 2 peacocks, bunnies, pheasants and a few other types of birds!
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On our way! |
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Checking out Buttercup the cow. She didn't come any closer to us. |
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Goats! |
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"Birdie!" |
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So excited! |
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Auntie Murr bravely showing Gracie a spider! |
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Tuckered out! |
Monday, June 18, 2012
Weekend Update
We spent this past weekend in Cape Breton. Uncle Mike graduated on Friday from his electrical program so we went up for the ceremony and stayed for the weekend with B's family. We had a 3 car convoy on the way up with B, Grace and I in one car, Zilla and Grampers in another, and Uncle Mike, Korryn, and Auntie Murr in another. Grace slept for almost 2 hours of the 3 hour trip, and we all stopped for lunch and made a day of it.
We spent the rest of the weekend with B's side of the family. I don't think Grace got enough attention (note the sarcasm here). We hung out outside for a good part of the day at Memé and Papa's house, and had a big family celebration for Pepé's 82nd birthday. Grace loved playing and dancing with her cousins and especially loved when Uncle Wobbie (aka Robbie) took her out for ice cream!
We spent the rest of the weekend with B's side of the family. I don't think Grace got enough attention (note the sarcasm here). We hung out outside for a good part of the day at Memé and Papa's house, and had a big family celebration for Pepé's 82nd birthday. Grace loved playing and dancing with her cousins and especially loved when Uncle Wobbie (aka Robbie) took her out for ice cream!
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Cheers! |
We went to Memé and Pepé's for lunch on Sunday, our tradition before driving back home. Grace loved checking out the backyard and Pepé's garden.
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Grace and the Giant Rhubarb |
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Checking out the garden with Pepé. Not a lot growing yet. |
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Supervising while Pepé waters the tomatoes in the hot house. |
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
18 Months!
Wow. I can't believe my baby is 1.5 years old! I didn't get around to doing a 17 month update (oops!) so here's some Gracie news from the past two months.
- She is still a very happy, easy going
babytoddler. (It still feels weird to call her a toddler!) - Lucky for us, she still likes her sleep. She naps once a day, usually for about 2 hours and sleeps from around 7:30pm - 7:00am.
- She is a pretty good eater, and is starting to eat some veggies she didn't like before, like broccoli and bell peppers. She is still not a fan of eggs or potatoes, although she will eat a few french fries.
- She is such a chatterbox! She talks all day long and is constantly trying to mimic things we say. I can't even count how many words she has now. Some of the latest are oatmeal, noise, watermelon, and messy. She is also stringing words together to make short sentences - more milk, big scoop! (when eating anything with a spoon), up the stairs, have some? (when she wants whatever we're eating), and hold dat? (while pointing at something she wants).
- She can name and make the sounds of a cat, dog, cow, duck, pig, and birdie. She also knows the sounds of a sheep, monkey, snake, owl and wolf. If you ask her what a fish does she will make fishy lips, it's so cute.
- She knows the names of and can point to all her body parts.
- She has a great sense of humor and likes to be scared! If you sneak up on her and scare her she will jump, then laugh her head off. She also loves to play hide and seek, and will pop out from behind something and say "boo!"
- She loves to dance! She likes to tap her foot, and she will copy what we're doing so we have fun trying to get her to do some crazy moves.
- She likes to sing and loves music in general. She will listen to Zilla play the guitar and then say "again!" when the song ends. She also loves to play the drums. She will now go to the cupboard, take out the plastic mixing bowls, line them up on the floor and then point to the counter where the wooden spoons are (her drumsticks) and say "dum?" until you pass them to her.
- She likes to play outside any chance she gets and loves going to the playground. The kid has no fear! She will launch herself down the big slides and laugh like a maniac.
- It's been a little while since we weighed her, but I think she is around 24 lbs. She wears size 18 month clothes, size 4 diapers, and size 4 shoes. She loves to wear hats lately and hates having clips in her hair. She will tolerate elastics unless she is in the car without enough stuff to occupy her, then she pulls it out.
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