- On Wednesday night I went with my aunt to the airport to pick up my other aunt. I love going to the airport, whether it's to hop on a plane myself, or pick someone up. It's a great place for people watching.
- Last night Grace and I visited her Great Aunt and Uncle for supper. I brought over her playpen because she hadn't had her third nap of the day but she decided she didn't need one, even though she was obviously tired. She didn't want to miss anything so she stayed up and hung out with us. I brought over her Jolly Jumper, which is always a crowd-pleaser. She had a hard time staying awake to finish her bottle before bed!
- I am thankful that my baby can go to sleep on her own, but I miss having her fall asleep in my arms.
- Grace loves drinking water from her sippy cup. She's really getting the hang of it.
- We gave her a few chunks of honeydew melon and cantaloupe when we were out for breakfast the other day. She didn't mind the cantaloupe, but definitely preferred the honeydew.
- Looking for more leftovers? Find them here.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Friday Night Leftovers
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Little Miss Chatterbox
I love listening to Grace babble. We have in-depth conversations all day long. I ask questions or talk about what we're doing, and she always responds with something insightful.
Me: "Grace, should I buy broccoli or asparagus for supper tonight?"
Grace: "Na dadada"
Me: "Good choice. I was leaning towards asparagus anyway."
It's even better when something comes out of her mouth that actually sounds like real words! She tries to mimic us and it's the cutest thing!
A few weeks ago in our sign language class we were learning the sign for "all done." We were signing it and saying it over and over, and Grace said "all done!" (Okay, it was probably more like "ah duh" but she was definitely trying to copy us and it really sounded like "all done!")
She said "Hi" back to Auntie Murr the other day. I'm constantly encouraging her to say "mama" but she usually responds with "dada" and smiles, or just shakes her head.
Yesterday when I was getting her dressed, B was laughing at some of the faces she was making. I said "Is Daddy laughing at you?" and she said "Dada la" which we translated to "Dada laugh!" It was so cute!
Me: "Grace, should I buy broccoli or asparagus for supper tonight?"
Grace: "Na dadada"
Me: "Good choice. I was leaning towards asparagus anyway."
It's even better when something comes out of her mouth that actually sounds like real words! She tries to mimic us and it's the cutest thing!
A few weeks ago in our sign language class we were learning the sign for "all done." We were signing it and saying it over and over, and Grace said "all done!" (Okay, it was probably more like "ah duh" but she was definitely trying to copy us and it really sounded like "all done!")
She said "Hi" back to Auntie Murr the other day. I'm constantly encouraging her to say "mama" but she usually responds with "dada" and smiles, or just shakes her head.
Yesterday when I was getting her dressed, B was laughing at some of the faces she was making. I said "Is Daddy laughing at you?" and she said "Dada la" which we translated to "Dada laugh!" It was so cute!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Hearts Content
What a busy weekend!
On Saturday my mom hosted a Garden Party - Ladies only, hats required. It was so much fun! Grace was there for the early part of the day, then B came to take her home so I could stay and party with the ladies. We ate, we drank, we sang, and we danced! Mom rented a sound system and microphones and everybody got up for a turn at the mic. The guitars were brought out, and those who didn't play rocked out on the eggs or tambourine, or just sang along.
On Saturday my mom hosted a Garden Party - Ladies only, hats required. It was so much fun! Grace was there for the early part of the day, then B came to take her home so I could stay and party with the ladies. We ate, we drank, we sang, and we danced! Mom rented a sound system and microphones and everybody got up for a turn at the mic. The guitars were brought out, and those who didn't play rocked out on the eggs or tambourine, or just sang along.
Let's Party! |
Lovely ladies in their hats. |
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Sharing a laugh |
Grace & Zilla having a time at the garden party |
Sunday was our first wedding anniversary and we took Grace to the camp for the first time. We explored the camp with her, hung out on the deck, spent some time down by the water, and went for a nice walk. B cooked a nice supper after Grace went to bed and we cut into the top tier of our wedding cake that we had saved in the freezer. It was dry, but we each had a bite just to say we ate some of our wedding cake on our first anniversary! It was surprisingly cool in the morning so Grace and I snuggled in bed while B made a little fire in the wood stove. We had breakfast while Grace napped (breakfast always tastes so good at the camp!) then packed up and went to Zilla and Grampers' house for the afternoon. We all slept well last night, and Grace had a three hour nap this morning! I think even Grace likes being back in her own bed after a night or two away.
Grace's first visit to Hearts Content |
I like hanging out at the camp! |
Loves her Daddy |
Sunday, July 24, 2011
One Year as Husband & Wife
It's our first wedding anniversary! Since Grace was at our wedding (in my belly), I figured it's only fitting to include a few photos from our wedding in her online baby book.
We were married five weeks after deciding that we wanted to get married before we had our baby. I wanted us all to have the same last name as we started our family.We had been engaged for over two years, but had put off planning while I was in school. We tied the knot in my parent's front yard, in my mom's beautiful garden. We had a small ceremony with just our families, then had our friends join us afterward to celebrate. The weather was perfect; there was lots of laughter, dancing, and just pure happiness.
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Our little bean was there on our wedding day! |
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Dad walking me down the aisle ... both of us barefoot :) |
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With my sister/maid of honour |
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"Goin' to the chapel and we're gonna get married" |
Friday, July 22, 2011
Friday Night Leftovers
- We've had some great weather this week and we've been going swimming quite often. Grace loves splashing around in the water but I haven't worked up the nerve to dunk her again yet. I dunked her underwater once in the pool and she was not very pleased, so I haven't done it since.
- On Wednesday we spent the day with Uncle Johnny and Auntie Murr. We went for a swim in the lake, lounged in the sun, went out for lunch and stopped for ice cream. It was a beauty of a day.
- Earlier in the week we took Grace to the nursing home where Granzilla works. It doesn't seem to matter how much pink she has on, we still get comments like "what a handsome little boy" or "how old is he?" Maybe she looks too much like her Daddy....
- Grace absolutely loves playing peek-a-boo lately. I'll throw a receiving blanket over her head, and she'll pull it off with a huge smile on her face. She's the cutest!
- Find more leftovers here!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Little Traveler
Grace can now say she's been to all of the Maritime provinces! On Tuesday we packed up and made the trek to PEI with Grace's BFF and her mom :) We didn't actually get out of the car in New Brunswick, but we drove through so it still counts!
It was a long drive, but the girls were great little travelers. We made a pit stop in Amherst so everyone could have a bite to eat, then onward to the island! We met up with four other moms and their little ones from our online baby group. It was so nice to meet everyone and their babes! We hung out at a nice park and Grace got to dip her feet in the ocean for the first time, and had her little toes in the red PEI sand!
It was a long drive, but the girls were great little travelers. We made a pit stop in Amherst so everyone could have a bite to eat, then onward to the island! We met up with four other moms and their little ones from our online baby group. It was so nice to meet everyone and their babes! We hung out at a nice park and Grace got to dip her feet in the ocean for the first time, and had her little toes in the red PEI sand!
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Dipping her toes in the ocean! |
Enjoying the sunshine (and shade!) |
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Swinging is fun! |
Best Buds |
Friday, July 15, 2011
Friday Night Leftovers

- Grace had a sleepover with Granzilla and Grampers last night so B and I could go see Metallica! It was raining and we were soaked, but it was worth it. It was an amazing show!
- I'm so glad Grace likes the water. We set up her kiddie pool earlier this week and she loved splashing around in it. She loves the lake too! We tried out the new floatie and even though Daddy thought the water was too cold, (he wouldn't even get in) Grace didn't mind it one bit.
- Construction has started on our street. Right at the end of our driveway. It's loud. It will probably go on for the rest of the summer. Boo.
- Grace really wants to crawl but just doesn't have the hang of it yet. She'll lay on her tummy and practice swimming - she kicks her legs and looks like she's doing the breaststroke. She's still rolling around a lot, and she can push herself backwards using her arms, but no leg action. My mom keeps telling me not to wish that she is crawling or walking too soon because it's just sooner that I have to run after her!
- Looking for more leftovers? Head over here.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Seven Months!
Our little Goober is seven months old today!
At seven months, Grace weighs ____ and is ___ long (numbers to come soon). She is a little rolling machine and loves to roll and wiggle her way around the living room. She is quite social and loves meeting new people, but usually would rather they not try to hold her right away; she needs a few minutes to size them up. It's fun to watch her learning new things. She understands object permanence now and will look for things that we hide. She loves playing peek-a-boo. She's doing pretty good sitting on her own, but still topples over here and there. She's still toothless. Something that makes her laugh one day, might not work the next (or even an hour later) but we love making her giggle. Still waiting for a big belly laugh!
She's still a big fan of the Jolly Jumper, her exersaucer, being outside, and her blankie. Peaches are a new favorite food and she loves watermelon in the mesh feeder. She likes squash now and is starting to come around on carrots. Avocado is still the enemy. She loves the water. She's still a good sleeper and a very happy baby.
At seven months, Grace weighs ____ and is ___ long (numbers to come soon). She is a little rolling machine and loves to roll and wiggle her way around the living room. She is quite social and loves meeting new people, but usually would rather they not try to hold her right away; she needs a few minutes to size them up. It's fun to watch her learning new things. She understands object permanence now and will look for things that we hide. She loves playing peek-a-boo. She's doing pretty good sitting on her own, but still topples over here and there. She's still toothless. Something that makes her laugh one day, might not work the next (or even an hour later) but we love making her giggle. Still waiting for a big belly laugh!
She's still a big fan of the Jolly Jumper, her exersaucer, being outside, and her blankie. Peaches are a new favorite food and she loves watermelon in the mesh feeder. She likes squash now and is starting to come around on carrots. Avocado is still the enemy. She loves the water. She's still a good sleeper and a very happy baby.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
A Weekend Without Photos
As I sat down to write this, I realized I hadn't taken any photos this weekend! Strange, because I usually take a few a lot of photos of Grace every day. We were fairly busy but still, you'd think there would be a few shots. The whole family gathered at Granzilla and Grampers' house on Friday night for dinner to celebrate their 30th anniversary. I don't have any pictures from this because I was too busy cooking. (Who am I kidding? We all know B was cooking, but I was helping and prepping dessert while Grace was being entertained by her grandparents, aunts and uncles). We weren't sure what to make because we wanted it to be something both Zilla and Grampers would enjoy. We decided on some nice steaks and potatoes on the bbq, prosciutto wrapped asparagus, and corn on the cob. For dessert we had apple slices with a delicious cream cheese and caramel dip. It was a success! The weather was awesome, food was good, we played some washers - it was a great night!
It poured rain all day on Saturday. We stayed in our jammies for a good part of the day and it was lovely. I thoroughly enjoy a lazy, rainy day once in a while.
B had a softball game this morning and I got a bit of a sunburn on my arms, chest, and the tops of my feet. I am usually very vigilant about applying sunscreen, but I only put some on my face today. Lately I'm so focused on making sure Grace doesn't get a sunburn that I am neglecting myself. I need to ensure that this is my last sunburn of the summer and keep applying the sunscreen!
Friday, July 08, 2011
Friday Night Leftovers

- Grace had her first swim in the lake this week! She loved it, but it was a little chilly for her liking. She was fine with having her legs in the water, but if I tried to dip her in up to her armpits she shivered and clung on to me. I'm glad she liked it though, I would much rather swim in a lake than a pool.
- Yesterday Grace did not want to let me out of her sight. Every time I left the room, even for a second, she would cry. She is not usually like this, so I'm hoping it's temporary.
- I saw an old friend on Wednesday who lived in my neighborhood growing up. He's been living in Alberta for a few years now, so it was great to see him and his family.
- I used to hate that our back deck was so shaded in the afternoons because I wanted to lay out and attempt to get a tan. Now it's perfect for Grace and I to hang out so she's not right in the sun!
- A little while ago I posted that Grace was teething. For a week she was chomping on everything in sight, drooling more than usual, and loved chewing on cold teethers or frozen facecloths. For the last week or so, she seems to be back to normal. Still no teeth.
- Want more leftovers? Head over here.
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Monday, July 04, 2011
Sunday, July 03, 2011
Cottage Country
We had an awesome day at my aunt and uncle's cottage on Saturday. Grace absolutely loved it! She loved being outside in the sun, loved the breeze coming off the ocean, loved Duke (their dog), and loved just hanging out with everyone. She went down easy for naps, slept well (must have been the salty ocean air) and woke up happy and ready to play.
Auntie Murr and I decided to go for a spin on the Waverunner. I've never driven one before and Auntie had driven one years ago, but we figured it couldn't be that hard. Well, it wasn't hard, but Auntie was nervous and we had a few close calls! I thought for sure I was going to take an involuntary dip in the ocean. Thankfully, we made it back to shore without getting too wet. Uncle Matt took Auntie Murr out for a ride and they weren't as lucky. Apparently the water wasn't that cold once you got in! I went out for a much more enjoyable ride with cousin Shane, who knew what he was doing. Maybe next time I'll try taking it for a cruise myself! It was a great day spent with some awesome family.
Today we spent the day with Granzilla and Grampers. We brought the Jolly Jumper down with us and Grampers hooked it up so Grace could use it in the middle of the living room. I don't know who was having more fun - Grace jumping, or us watching her. She was smiling, jumping, grunting and having a great time. We played a few games of washers and Zilla made some delicious ribs for dinner with strawberry shortcake for dessert. Yum!
Auntie Murr and I decided to go for a spin on the Waverunner. I've never driven one before and Auntie had driven one years ago, but we figured it couldn't be that hard. Well, it wasn't hard, but Auntie was nervous and we had a few close calls! I thought for sure I was going to take an involuntary dip in the ocean. Thankfully, we made it back to shore without getting too wet. Uncle Matt took Auntie Murr out for a ride and they weren't as lucky. Apparently the water wasn't that cold once you got in! I went out for a much more enjoyable ride with cousin Shane, who knew what he was doing. Maybe next time I'll try taking it for a cruise myself! It was a great day spent with some awesome family.
Auntie Murr is not happy after being dumped in the ocean! |
Relaxing at the cottage |
Cousin showing off ;) |
Today we spent the day with Granzilla and Grampers. We brought the Jolly Jumper down with us and Grampers hooked it up so Grace could use it in the middle of the living room. I don't know who was having more fun - Grace jumping, or us watching her. She was smiling, jumping, grunting and having a great time. We played a few games of washers and Zilla made some delicious ribs for dinner with strawberry shortcake for dessert. Yum!
Catching some air! |
Just hanging out in Zilla's garden |
Friday, July 01, 2011
Happy Canada Day!
We're celebrating Grace's first Canada Day by taking her in the parade on Great Aunt MA's street! Grace is resting up right now, so I'd better get ready. I'll post pictures later of her in her Canada Day attire.
What a fun afternoon! Grace loved every minute. The parade was great - two trucks decorated with Canadian flags and other gear, a red convertible, kids on bikes and lots of people walking. It was pretty big considering it was put on by a small neighborhood!
Resting up before the big parade! |
Oh Canada! |
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